NPO Accounting and Tax

NPO Accounting and Tax

Our cloud services simplify and level up your Not-For-Profit accounting. How would you like us to support you? It's always your call, from simply recording financial data to invoicing, follow-ups to bill payments and extensive financial reporting

We work as a partner in your mission

We love to work with NPOs and charitable organizations. Besides being professionals, at Ascetic, we’re true believers in community building and philanthropic work. We’ve experience working with many NPOs and Charities across Canada, and we extend our support to their missions.

Interim and year-end financial reports

We provide tailored interim and annual management financial statements with customized schedules to support board meetings. Our reporting is straightforward, comprehensive, and relevant. We’re always available to address concerns and answer your questions in plain language.

Timely tax filings, no stress

We are here to help you get ahead of the game and avoid unnecessary stress. Our timely and efficient service ensures that you are aware of your tax obligations and current standing. We’ll manage your NPO (T1044) and Charity (T3010) tax returns as well as your PSB rebate filings. If you are interested in learning more, we are happy to guide and educate you on any aspect of the process.

Catch up on tax filings - we’ve got you covered

We understand that as a startup or for any reason, it can be easy to go off the track. Being late does not mean that you should always be at risk of facing adverse tax assessments and hefty penalties. It’s never too late. We are here to help you organize and catch up on your taxes within a definite timeline.

Tax audit and review support, you’re in the right hands!

Dealing with CRA and other provincial tax authorities could be time-consuming, daunting, and stressful! We understand, and the good news is that we can take the stress completely off your shoulders and let you do what you’re best at doing for your organization! You sleep with peace, and we’ll navigate the audit proceedings with the tax man on your behalf.